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Landscape Paintings of Van I-pong
¤é´Á¡G9 June 2012 and 16 June 2012 ( 10:30am - 4:00pm )
¦aÂI¡GChinese Community Centre (NSW) ¿D¬w³·±ù¨ô¤h¬¡¥«¤¤µØ¤å¤Æ¤¤¤ß
Citadel Tower (Garden Level), 799 Pacific Highway, Chatswood NSW 2067 (Tel.94113799)
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Mr. Van I-Pong (¸U¤@ÄP)
, alias Xiao Yun (¼S ¶³)
was born in Jiading, Shanghai (¹Å©w,
¤W®ü), China. During his childhood, he was
taught by his father named Van :4(¸U¶®°ó)
who was a famous bamboo sculptor and a collector of Chinese
paintings. Mr. Zhao Meng-su (»¯¹ÚĬ) encouraged him to sketch the nature, saying "Imitating others' works and spending time on reading books merely provide fundamental training, to be really creative, one must learn directly from the universe. And it means to observe and sketch real landscape." According to this instruction, Mr. Van began his sightseeing tour together with several friends of same interest. First they toured north and south along Yangtze River (ªø¦¿), passing over Yellow River (¶Àªe), climbing to the peak of Mount Hua (µØ©¨ ), visiting the Mount Wutai (¤¥x) and reaching as far as North Wilderness (¶ë¥_). At that time, Japan invaded China and occupied Manchuria (ªF¥_). Mr. Van was aroused by his patriotism and expressed his feeling in a painting entitled 'Savage Action of a Herd of Wolves in Northern China¡¦ (¶ë¥_¯T羣) which was exhibited in Nanjing («n¨Ê) and received good remarks. During the wartime, Mr. Van was forced to move about Zhejiang (®ý¦¿) and Jiangxi (¦¿¦è) provinces. He also had the opportunity of touring Mount Tian Mu (¤Ñ¥Ø¤s), Mount Bian (¥¯¤s), Mount Mao (T¤s) and made sketches of the landscape.
(»P°êµe¤j®v±i¤j¤d¥ý¥Í¦X·Ó) In 1959, he exhibited his works at St. John¡¦s Hall (¸t¬ù¿«°ó), Hong Kong. In 1971, he was invited by Provincial Museum in Taipei (»O¥_¥«¬Ù¥ß³Õª«À]) to hold an exhibition of classical Chinese paintings. In the winter of same year, he was requested by six universities and cultural bodies in Singapore to display his paintings in the Chinese Club (¤¤µØÁ`°Ó·|) in Singapore. In 1973, Mr. Van was appointed lecturer in the Fine Art Department of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. In 1975, his paintings were sent to Yale University, U.S.A. for an exhibition called ¡¥Introduction of Famous Artists of Today¡¦ which toured round 10 universities in the United States. In 1982, he displayed his works in Hong Kong City Hall. The display drew crowds of admirers every day. In 1984, he immigrated to Edmonton, Canada. The city is so close to Rocky Mountain (¬¥ÁF¤s) that he could have frequent opportunities in touring this renowned landscape. Mr. Van had also travelled extensively in the States. Starting from the west coast, he visited San Francisco (¤Tÿ¥«), Los Angeles (¬¥§üÁF), Mount Whitney (¬ü¦è°ª峯), Lake Tahoe (¤Óµq´ò) and Death Valley (¦º¤`¨¦). He then climbed the Mont Blanc (¥Õ¤s) to visit the ¡¥Castle amidst the Cloud¡¦ (¶³¤¤³ùÂS). Then he took a cruising tour in River St. Lawrence (¸tù¨Ú´µªe). He then settled down in Toronto which has a nickname of 'Little Hong Kong', where he concentrated again on painting, especially in finger painting of landscape. Mr. Van taught painting at his leisure time and wrote a book entitled Theories of Chinese Landscape Painting (¤¤°ê¤s¤ôµe»¡) which is a step-by-step instruction for beginners. Mr. Van passed away in October, 1994 in Vancouver, Canada. His works were collected as a two-volume album and published in 2010. (80¦~¥Nªì¡A¸U®vªù¤U§Ì¤l²Õ¦¨¸UÀ¤¯ó°óµe·|¡A84¦~¿ì²Ä¤@©¡°êµeÁp®i¡C «á¤T±Æ²Ä¤G¤H§Y¥»·|·|ªø±iÄ~¨K¥ý¥Í¡C) |
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¸U¤@ÄP²ªí 1917¦~¥Í©ó¤W®ü¥«¹Å©w¡CBorn in Jiading, Shanghai¡F 1936¦~º¦¸¦b«n¨ÊÁ|¿ì¼g¥Íµe®i¡CHeld the first exhibition of painting in Nanjing. 1949¦~«n¾E»´ä¡CMigrated to Hong Kong and concentrated on painting. He became an active member in the art circle. 1958¦~µÛ¡§¸U¤@ÄP¤s¤ôµe¥U¡¨¡CPublished Van I-Pong Landscape Painting Album¡Q 1959¦~¦b»´ä¸t¬ù¿«°Æ°óÁ|¦æ¶Ç²Î°êµe®i¡CHeld an exhibition of traditional Chinese paintings at St. John's Hall in Hong Kong.
1971¦~À³»OÆW¤¤¥¡¬ã¨s°|°|ªø¿ú«ä«G³Õ¤h¤Î¬Ù¥ß³Õª«À]¤§ÁÜ¡A¦b»O¥_¬Ù¥ß³Õª«À]Á|¦æÓ¤Hµe®i¡F¦P¦~¥V¡AÀ³·s¥[©Y¤»¤j¾Ç³N¤å¤Æ¹ÎÅéÁܽСA¤_¤¤µØÁ`°Ó·|Á|¦æµe®i¡A¥Hµo´¤¤µØ¤å¤Æ¡C 1973¦~¥ô»´ä¤¤¤å¤j¾ÇÃÀ³N¨tÁ¿®v¡FAppointed lecturer in the Fine Art Department of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. 1975¦~°Ñ¥[¬ü°êC¾|¤j¾Ç¥D¿ì¤§¡§·í¥N¦Wµe¤¶²Ð¡¨¡A§@«~¦b¬ü°ê¤Q¤j¦W®Õ¨µ°j®iÄý¡CHeld an exhibition called ¡¥Introduction of Famous Artists of Today¡¦in the Yale University in the United States. Works were toured round 10 universities in the U.S.
1976¦~°_¾K¤ß¬ã¨s«üµe,Æp¬ã²`¨s¡A±Ò«e¤H©Ò¥¼±Ò¡A¦Û¦¨¤@¨t¡C 1982¦~«üµe·s§@¦b»´ä¤j·|°ó®i¥X¡FFinger paintings were exhibited in Hong Kong City Hall. 1983¦~²¾©~¥[®³¤j·R©ú¹y¡CMigrated to Edmonton, Canada and visited the scenery spots in Los Angeles, the East and West coasts of the U.S. and Canada.
in the exhibition of Hong Kong water and ink paintings organized by
Hong Kong Art Museum, exhibited in London, UK.
1994¦~¦b¥[®³¤j·ÅôµØ³u¥@¡A¨É¦~78·³¡FPassed away in Vancouver, Canada at the age of 78.
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